Download the Exam Timetable (PDF)
- Be on time. Late arrivals are a distraction to other candidates and will be noted in the Examination Log.
- You will be asked to move into the examination rooms so you are seated 10 minutes before the examination is due to start.
- There is SILENCE once you have entered the room.
- You will be asked to place your bags around the perimeter of the examination room.
- Mobile phones or any other electronic devices must be turned off and in your bag in accordance with Department of Education policy.
- No food will be permitted in the examination rooms.
You are expected to attend all scheduled examinations for your year group. You are expected to remain in the examination room to complete and review your examination responses until the end of the examination.
Bring all necessary equipment for each examination – preferably BLACK pens, pencils, rulers. Clear plastic pencil cases or zip lock bags and water bottles only are permitted in examination rooms. Borrowing items during an examination is an unnecessary distraction to other candidates and will not be permitted.
Reading Time
All written examinations have 5 minutes reading time except English which has 10 minutes. No talking or writing in this period.
Students who disrupt others during the examination may receive a zero award and will be subject to the school’s disciplinary policy.
In accordance with the DoE’s All My Own Work policy, students who plagiarise or cheat during the examination may receive a zero award.
You are to wear school uniform. Students who are out of uniform will be recorded in the Examination Log and will be subject to the school’s disciplinary policy.
Toilet Breaks
Leaving the examination room during the examination for a toilet break is not encouraged. Time leaving and returning will be recorded in the Examination Log.
Non-Attendance/Illness or Misadventure
If you do not attend or are unable to attend due to sickness/illness, your parent or carer must ring the school on the morning of the examination. Failure to do so may result in a zero result in the missed examination may receive a zero award.