NBSC Cromer Campus

The co-educational comprehensive campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9981 1155


Academic Enrichment


NBSC Cromer Campus offers extension opportunities through academic extension classes and creative and performing arts classes.

Teachers are allocated to enrichment classes who have expertise to develop and challenge students, helping to expand student’s knowledge and inspire them to maximise their full potential in line with the new High Potential and Gifted Education Policy.

Placement by Application

Northern Beaches Secondary College (NBSC) Balgowlah Boys, Cromer and Mackellar Girls campuses offer academic enrichment classes for high potential and gifted local students enrolling in Year 7 2026. 

The Academic Enrichment Stream provides differentiated teaching and learning strategies to develop students’ creative and critical thinking skills in a variety of domains. Students are extended and challenged through opportunities that stimulate curiosity and enhance problem solving abilities. These experiences are designed to push learning boundaries while collaborating with other high potential and gifted students.

Students meeting any of the below indicators may consider applying for the Academic Enrichment Stream.

  •  School reports indicating grade attainment above peers
  • Demonstrated achievement in the top two NAPLAN bands or similar achievement in other assessments
  • Learning characteristics suggesting high order ability such as (but not limited to) problem solving, metacognitive, critical and creative thinking, teamwork and reasoning skills.

How to apply

Portfolio contents

In the portfolio, demonstrate:

  • Academic achievement above peers
  • Commitment to excelling academically within and beyond the classroom
  • Engagement in opportunities that develop and extend the student’s potential

The portfolio must include:

  • Copies of the student’s mid-year and final 2024 school reports (does not count towards 15 page limit)
  • A handwritten statement of no more than 500 words, written by the student:
    -   describing themself,
    - their achievements and
    - why they wish to be in the Academic Enrichment Stream.

The portfolio may also include:

  • A copy of the student’s most recent NAPLAN results
  • Any other documents indicating high potential and giftedness such as psychometric or IQ assessment
  • Certificates no earlier than 2023 demonstrating high achievement in curriculum and/or co-curricular activities 
  • Relevant documents demonstrating engagement and suitability for the stream

Please do not include links to websites or other sources not included in the portfolio. 

Outcome notification

Parents will be notified of the outcome by Friday 2 May 2025.